Tuesday, March 31, 2009

New Security Tool to detect Conficker Worm  

The US Department of Homeland Security released a tool on Monday to detect whether a computer is infected by the Conficker worm.

Full Story

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Conficker's April 1st routine still a mystery  

Conficker's routine on the April 1st with its newest variant dubbed as "Conficker.C" is still a mystery to security researchers.

PCs infected with Conficker.c, the third version of the worm that first appeared late last year, will use a new communication scheme on April 1 to establish a link to the command-and-control servers operated by the hackers who seeded the malware. The date is hard-coded into the worm, which in turn polls any of a number of major Web sites, including Yahoo, for the date, said Stewart.

"So far, we haven't seen any evidence [on those machines] of what it will do April 1," added Stewart, although that's to be expected. "It's not April 1 yet, so they're not going to put something online, where it might be found. In fact, it's almost a little risky for us to try to look for those sites, since it might give away that we have some bots in their network."

Source: http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=9130228

However, on F-Scure's notes on their blog, nothing is likely to happen on the said date. Hopefully.