Saturday, May 30, 2009

Does a Brand New PC is malware-free?  

Think again. Visit this article from Computer World. Users are warned to scan virgin systems for malware before connecting them to the Internet as advised by Kaspersky Labs Researchers.

To ensure that a new PC is malware-free, Schouwenberg recommended that before users connect the machine to the Internet, they install security software, update it by retrieving the latest definition file on another computer and transferring that update to the new system, then running a full antivirus scan.

"That's the best course of action, even though it sounds like a lot of work," said Schouwenberg.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Mass Defacement on sites  

As recorded by Zone-h, a total of 100 government sites was defaced yesterday (May 21) by 3 known foreign hackers: ISCN Team, Cyber-Hero and Black.Spook. Black.Spook rooted 91 sites, 6 sites by Cyber-Hero and 3 sites by ISCN Team. All of these defaced sites were running FreeBSD servers.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Browser Security: Its Time to Test your Browser  

Browser security is a serious issue nowadays but oftentimes overlooked by users. Hence, there is a free online service that offer safety by checking and testing browser(s) for up to date flaws, exploits, bugs or vulnerabilities. This service does not collect any data from your computer upon testing nor install any viruses thus the test is safe.

Browser Security Test

Visit the FAQ for additional information.